In Memoriam Sir Kamande

1962 – 2023

Mlango Farm is not the same since we grieve the loss of my dear husband Kamande. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for his life and the legacy he left behind. Mlango Farm, once pulsating with Kamande’s inspiring vision and energy, now stands as a testament to his unwavering spirit.

Born in Nairobi in 1962, Kamande’s journey was one of adventure, resilience, and love. From his early days at Morrison Primary School in Bahati to his bustling years at the Kariokor Market, Kamande’s entrepreneurial spirit was evident in everything he touched. His famous purple matatu, adorned with disco lights, became a symbol of his vibrant personality and zest for life.

In 2007, Kamande returned to Kenya with (a week later to be his wife) Els Breet, to breath new life into his family’s land and to create Mlango Farm. With tireless dedication, Kamande transformed the bush into a thriving oasis, where people from all walks of life come together to experience the beauty of nature and the warmth of community. Kamande was a worker and a visionary, and he organized everything in such a way that things would run smooth, peacefully and without stress. So everyone around him enjoyed working with him.

A true Rastafarian at heart, Kamande believed in the power of love and peace to heal the world. His unwavering commitment to these principles touched the lives and hearts of all who crossed his path.

Even in the face of illness, Kamande remained resolute in his determination to live life on his own terms. His courage, strength, and unwavering optimism inspired us all, reminding us to cherish each moment and never lose sight of our dreams.

On May 7, 2023, Kamande’s earthly journey came to an end. Though Kamande may no longer walk among us, his spirit remains embedded in the soil and trees of Mlango Farm, inspiring us to live each day with purpose, passion, and love. 

In accordance with his wishes, family customs, Rastafarian belief and Kikuyu traditions, Kamande was laid to rest on Mlango Farm, his family land. For those who could not be with us, the ceremony was recorded and is  available online.

 Together, with your much appreciated support, we will continue to cultivate not just crops but a community bound by the vision and values Kamande held dear.

When we remember Kamande, we remember the joy he brought into our lives, the wisdom he imparted, and the love he shared so freely. Let us carry forward his legacy with a commitment to building a world guided by his vision of peace and unity.

Shine on your way Kamande. One love!

Els & the Mlango Farm team 

Sir Kamande